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Who I've Become

Unimaginable seems appropriate for who I've become. Just call me a radically obedient Servant of God.  A woman who prays and believes God when she does. My mother said I was born courageous, but the courage I've had to demonstrate in the face of unbelief, oppression, despair and death has changed me at my core. Who knew I'd become a recognized and sought after voice for the millions of Believer's sitting in the pews desperate to be activated in their purpose. Grace and destiny have escorted me to three continents and on more stages than I could have dreamed. 

God gifted me with the prophetic capacity to pick two Presidents. He showed me that Biden would win when my video on Blacks & Abortion was featured between a video with then President Donald Trump and former President Barack Obama talking to then Vice-President Biden. When I told the Christians I knew folk obviously thought God would not give me privy to such foreknowledge. Church folk brushed me off, and when it came to pass, to their shock and disbelief, neither did they acknowledge what I told them. Its time for the Church to wake up and realize that God is no respecter of person or race. I am chosen and theirs nothing anyone can do about it. 

In 2007 I got a prophetic word from a Minister in Ireland that I would be an advocate for children. Around the same time I got a prophetic word about Africa that God gave me directly. At the time I thought the minister was confused. In 2021 I was asked to speak in Court on behalf of Black children and their parents who are traumatized by the Child Welfare System in Arizona. When I finished speaking all the clapping in the courtroom and on Zoom sounded like a stampede. It seems its my season to speak as God leads. I am now available for legislative testimony, courtroom advocacy and systemic abuse intervention.

After my book "Revival in the Pews" was published the Lord told me to cover the "Re" and the "al" in REVIVAL on the cover of the book. What I saw was "VIV" with a flame of fire over the "i" which he told me to put there after the cover was designed. He then proceeded to say that I carry the fire of revival for his people. As long as he gives me strength and a platform I plan to use it taking as many people with me as I can.

My Journey
Where I'm Going

Who I've Become in Pictures

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People Empowered Worldwide LLC - 4949 E. Van Buren St, #62051 - Phoenix, Arizona 85082


Telephone: 844-924-7625

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