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The Queen of Destiny's ... Social Agenda

Ms. Vivian is often heard saying "I follow the cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night." She is referencing

Exodus 13:21 which describes how God guided the Israelites out of Egypt (bondage) and into the

Promised Land (freedom). Her Social Agenda is a platform for purpose-minded people to participate, grow their gifts,

and be powerful in what God created them to to. It is the manifestation of what God is telling her to do to shift

His people from where they are to where He wants them to be! 

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You can conquer your addiction with prayer, faith and knowing the Word of God. The PEW Quit Clinic is an on-line, faith-focused and purpose driven platform, for people to quit smoking, overcome an addiction or any compulsive dependency, as well as heal from addiction related illnesses, so you can walk in your spiritual purpose! Its also a place for overcomers to pay-it-forward through service and their financial support of those who are still struggling.


Ms. Vivian was addicted to tobacco for over 24 years, and wanted to quit but couldn't. She tried everything and nothing worked. Then one Sunday Pastor Alexis Thomas (RIP - Founder of Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church/Phoenix, Az) preached a sermon that convicted her of smoking. After service she called her Aunt Oclean RIP who prayed for her to quit. She said, "The next day God spoke ten words to her spirit and she never smoked again." Now she do for others what God did for her and shows them how to use their relationship with God and His word to quit not only an addiction, but anything hindering them walking in power and purpose. 


She created a faith-based testimony and deliverance CD called Heaven Sent Quit Smoking Testimony & Deliverance CD that was launched at the National Tobacco Conference for the United States where she was the keynote speaker. Hundreds of people have been set free by using it.


As Believer's we have the power and the spiritual tools to set the captives free so what are we waiting for to use it. 

Stay tuned for the next Clinic.

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PEWniversity's mission is to activate the people sitting in the pews to be the Church, not just go to Church. Jesus changed the world with twelve Disciples. It's time for us to do it again and this is why...


*There are 2.2 billion professing Christians in the world. Over eighty percent, or 1.7 billion of them are NOT disciples. That means they have never been taught how to be the Church.

*Only one percent of church leaders believe they are doing well discipling/training new Believer's. 

*3500 people leave the Church EVERYDAY.

*50% of the people sitting in the pews are NOT saved.

*62% of people having abortions are religiously affiliated.

*Christians are two times as likely to have racist attitudes as non-Christians.

*75% of U.S. churches are NOT growing.


PEWniversity is the place to empower the people who are the Church and to help the Church be more effective.

Stay tuned for upcoming classes to help you grow as a Believer.


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IT’S TIME TO GO BACK!. In May of 2020, after George Floyd was viciously murdered, in broad daylight, by a white police officer who kneeled on his neck until he suffocated, while his fellow Police Officers stood by and watched, took me and our nation to an unprecedented level of despair.


That act of domestic terrorism provoked me into painful intercession asking God what can I do. To my surprise the Most High  added another aspect of advocacy to my platform, that I initially resisted like Moses, to return a remnant of Black America back to Africa to help build the Motherland … by 2027.  As he leads I will follow. If this assignment interest you please contact me at 844-924-7625 or by email at

People Empowered Worldwide LLC - 4949 E. Van Buren St, #62051 - Phoenix, Arizona 85082


Telephone: 844-924-7625

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